
Summer 2021 Self-Care

By Emily Phifer, M.S. MFT

Grief and Exhaustion

As we navigate reopenings and dive into the hot summer months, please remember to be gentle with yourself and others.  Grieving losses of the past year while re-engaging in our lives requires a lot of us.  While adapting to a new normal, remember that grief often slows us down, makes our brains foggy, reduces our energy, and compromises our ability to juggle our responsibilities. With grief, self- care becomes vital in pacing oneself and finding a way forward. Pandemic recovery, and re-engagement is much the same. 

Adjust Expectations

If you’re feeling exhausted from navigating the struggles of the past year, plus, you’re not alone! As you approach your reengagement in community, connection with others, and daily life moving forward, please keep these important points in mind:


  1. The pandemic has been traumatic and impacts us as a society in many ways. It will take time to recover, heal, and re-evaluate our lives going forward.
  2. If you are a stressed parent, remember to put on your own oxygen mask first. Find ways to simplify your routine, increase stability and minimize stressors. Don’t try to be superhuman. Just be good enough!
  3. Keep expectations of yourself and others reasonable, and lowered, if possible.
  4. Get adequate sleep, nutrition, hydration, exercise, and some fun and relaxation. Listen to music you love, tend plants, take a walk, drink lemonade!
  5. Seek social support and reconnect with your support system. Reach out to a therapist if you need extra support managing your mental/emotional health during this time. 

Summer Support

Sync is here to support you as you  find new ways of doing life! Sync is offering a “Summer Boost” zoom presentation /discussion on Monday, July 12th (7-8:30pm) to encourage participants with resources. Please see for more information.